Top 5 Reasons Why People Don’t Buy Earthquake Insurance

As a Californian, you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sure, you’ve thought about earthquake insurance, but you talked yourself out of making the call because you assumed…

It’s too expensive-Insurance is meant to cover the losses you can’t afford to pay. $1,500 for insurance to rebuild a $600,000 home is a reasonable price for such a big risk. Our company’s biggest insured loss was with Fireman’s Fund for $900,000. It happened in Los Gatos during the Loma Prieta quake when a Victorian jumped completely off its foundation.

The deductible is too high - Yes, 15% is high, but insurance companies would go broke fixing every piece of cracked stucco. Earthquake insurance is for major damage only- like when the same quake caused another client’s swimming pool to empty completely into his house.

The state will bail me out - Seriously? The State’s broke- don’t count on it.

Insurance companies will go bankrupt - Ok, some might. 21st Century almost did after the 1995 Northridge quake and pulled out of the California homeowner’s market. Allied Brokers, however, represents the only strongest companies in the industry and we steer our clients away from “shaky” carriers.

It will never happen to me - Maybe… or maybe not; how lucky do you feel? Case-in-point: an Allied Brokers client bought a house in Santa Cruz just one month before the Loma Prieta quake. He purchased a normal homeowner’s policy but passed on the earthquake insurance. He gambled that he would never need it. His chimney collapsed and his floors and foundation were severely damaged- to the tune of $60,000. Don’t let the Big One get you! Call Allied Brokers today.

Visit our website at for information about all the types of insurance we offer. Or call 1-888-505-7988 for a free rate quote.


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