Car Insurance for New Drivers

If you have just gotten your driving license, you probably feel that the world is your oyster – you are now free to travel and go wherever you want. It is important to remember that passing your driving test does not automatically make you a good driver. That comes with experience on the road and an appreciation of the dangers that exist on the road. It is these dangers that you need to protect yourself against. Even if you do not make a mistake, the mistakes of others could put you and your vehicle in danger. That is why it is illegal to drive without insurance.

The Coverage You Must Have

There are varying levels of auto insurance available. In California, the minimum requirement is liability coverage. This is twofold:

 Bodily injury coverage which covers injuries suffered by others in an accident you are involved in.
 Property damage coverage which covers damage to another person’s property caused by an accident you were involved in.

The idea behind this minimum coverage is to protect others from injury or loss; it does not protect you or your car and if you are injured in an accident or your car is damaged, the medical and repair bills will have to be paid by you.

To be fully protected, you should consider optional coverages that will protect both you and your car. There are many types of optional coverage and an insurance broker will be able to help you find the policy that is right for you. That being said, here are the 3 most common types of additional coverage.

Coverage Options

Collision and Comprehensive Coverage:

  • Collison coverage covers damage to your vehicle in the event of an accident.
  • Comprehensive coverage covers damage or loss of your vehicle due to theft, vandalism, natural disasters natural phenomena etc. If your vehicle is an old one that needs to be replaced soon, then comprehensive coverage may not be essential and collision coverage may be enough. An insurance agent will be able to help you make the right decision.

Underinsured andUninsured Motorist Coverage:

Underinsured motorist coverage protects you should you be involved in an accident with a driver who does not have enough insurance to cover the damage that has occurred.
Uninsured motorist coverage protects you if you are involved in an accident with a driver who has no insurance at all.

Personal Injury Protection:

This will cover your medical expenses if you are injured in an accident, irrespective of whether it was your fault or not. This type of coverage usually allows you to have your medical bills paid without the need to wait for the accident investigation to be completed, a process that could often take a very long time.

What Do You Need?
Insurance is a complex subject and obtaining the guidance and advice of an insurance professional is always a good idea. He will be able to understand the type of driving you do, your current financials status and the type of coverage you require. He will then be able to offer you a policy that best fits your individual needs. 


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