Too Old For Life Insurance?

Most people buy life insurance during the years that their families are dependent on them financially. This means that the typical age for buying life insurance is between 20 and 40 which is when marriages occur, children are born and homes are purchased. However, this does not mean that you can take a policy after this period. Late marriages are more common, resulting in the financial liabilities continuing until a later age. People are now continuing to work till their 60s and 70s and/or even start new careers. Whether their aim is to simply remain occupied or supplement retirement income, the additional money becomes a part of everyday life and its loss, through the death/disability of the earner, will affect those who are part of their lives.

Life Insurance in Later Years

Contrary to popular belief, life insurance is available for those in their 60s, 70s or even older. Of course, the premiums will be higher as the age increases and there are more procedures to undergolike health checkups, etc. But that is often a small price to pay for the knowledge that if the inevitable should occur, the dependents will not suffer financially, even if they are not completely dependent on the income that is lost. For seniors whose children are financially independent and who have no liabilities, the death benefits from a life insurance policy are often seen as a way of thanking the family for the happiness they brought to the policy holder during their lifetime. Additionally, the benefits from the policy can also help to cover estate duties and other expenses.

The Type of Policy andthe Duration

For seniors, a term life policy is the best option. Death benefits will be paid to the beneficiaries if the policy holder dies during the term of the policy. The benefits of whole life insurance - thecompounding of cash value, liquidity and flexibility are not typically relevant. However, a whole life policy could make sense in some cases. An insurance broker will be able to give guidance on this after studying the policy holder’s financial status.

Age limits for life insurance vary from company to company, but in general the cut offs and duration are:
    • Age 80 for a 10-year term
    • Age 75 for a 15-year term
    • Age 70 for a 20-year term
    • Age 55 for a 25-year term
    • Age 55 for a 30-year term

Is It A Good Option For You?

Every individual and family’s case is different. If you are a senior citizen with no financial liabilities or obligations, you may think that life insurance does not make sense for you. That may be so. However, it is always wise to consult an insurance professional to discuss the matter in detail. There may be benefits for those who are important to you which you may not appreciate. 


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